The NESHCo Job Bank is a highly-valued resource among healthcare communications and marketing professionals in New England. NESHCo members are invited to utilize this tool while job searching. We hope organizations will also find this service valuable as you seek qualified candidates for job openings.
NESHCo job postings remain on the NESHCo member website for 30 days, unless otherwise directed.
NESHCo members are invited to utilize this tool while job searching. Job postings remain on the NESHCo member website for 30 days.
You will be asked to submit your job posting info along with payment (if applicable).
NESHCo Members – Job listings and additional services are free of charge.
Non-members - Will be charged $100 per posting (this is for a post only, to also send a dedicated job alert email to NESHCo’s members,
the cost is $150)
Membership status is determined by the following: The person submitting the post must be a member or the organization where the job is listed must have a corporate membership with two or more members.
Newsletter Spotlight Ad ($200) - A spotlight ad will be placed in NESHCo’s monthly e-newsletter for a fee of $200. This will include the organization’s logo.
Social Media Post ($200)– NESHCo will post a spotlight on our social media channels
Dedicated Email ($250) - Have your job posting and content issued as a dedicated email blast from NESHCo to our full membership.